Here is how the kitchen looked when I bought the house (I know):
So I decided that it needed some improving, after a year of deciding.....Kelly, Little and I spend a Saturday at Ikea (yes, Ikea, leave me alone) and put together a FABULOUS new design!! (The hardwood floors went in a year ago, just for reference)
First step: I invited my most handy and manly (and super awesome) guy friends over for Demolition Derby 2010. It is amazing the amount of manual labor you can get out of 20-30 something guys with the promise of beer, pizza and Crowne Royal as thank you gifts...they will swing a sledgehammer at anything it turns out.
I snapped a few pics and ended up with an alarming number of butt shots...(I have NO IDEA how that happened, insert innocent angelic smile here) Enjoy.....
The next step was mending the holes in the wall from the old cabinets and tile. Shane is a genius with drywall. Then we had to assemble the cabinets.
Gavin helped.... :):)
Shane and Pinot became fast friends
Dan Proulx is 100% my the course of 2 days he singlehandedly hung and leveled every cabinet. To be fair, I was the one doing it SINGLE-handedly, DAN had the luxury of TWO hands! I was effectively no help in the lifting, sawing or drilling department with a cast on my arm, but I maintained positive control of all the hardware and handed it all to Dan on request....except for the illusive tape measure that we kept losing.
I can't beleive Dan and I got everything hung in 2 days....the countertops and toe kicks went in shortly after, we got the room painted (OKAY, I hired painters....).

(That's our friend Nick)
My other hero, Cousin Greg, came over Sunday to hook up the sink and dishwasher (THANK GOODNESS!) and now the very last steps are purely cosmetic... the glass tile backsplash and doorknobs...huge thanks in advance to my last hero Shane Todd for his master craftsmanship!

Final product unveiling very soon!!