Memorial Day 2010 planning began on two parallel courses. Katie and Eileen were trying to plan a relaxing pre-doctoral defense weekend at Fish Camp (Eileen whispering as Matt calls it). Simultaneously, Mom and Dad were trying to plan a
35th anniversary getaway, plus a visit with Mimi and a trip to Boston to support Eileen for her dissertation defense.
The trips collided....and a third crew (Kelly, Mary, Joe and Sam) travelled down from Maine. Two glorious days chill-axing on Goat Island, mass with Mimi at Saint Mary's in Newport. Quote of the day from Joe Coyne (in reference to the bathrooms in the church): "Hey, Cousin Kate, do you think I just peed where JFK once peed?"
Uncle Joe, of course, was on station as the Party King of the Fish Camp holding court with his usual suspects (Tom and Tracey Becker, Pete and Maureen Galster). Fantasic day hanging by the sound, eating, fishing (noseeum bugs notwithstanding)and drinking the unbelievable 1990 Henriot Champagne compliments of Tom Becker's amazing taste (and generosity!)

We visited with Poppie on Memorial Day at the Rhode Island Veterans cemetary. As always, he sent us a perfect day to remember him by. Joe and Mary were amazed at the number of flags lined up among the sites, so Uncle Joe (wise and wonderful) explained that they were dropped by precision guided aircraft.
It was an absolutely wonderful weekend. We laughed, we cried, we ate, we drank....we are blessed to have each other and such amazing memories.
Until next time from Fish Camp....

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