Kate here: A quick update on what we've all been up to...
I will rewind to March 7, and my second snowboarding accident of the 2009-2010 season. It's July folks, and yes, it's still an issue. A broken humerus is no joke (pun intended: cheesy joke jeers relished).
Here's the original X-ray shot:

Here's the current state of my "healing apparatus" (I thankfully have no pictures of the awful sling, pillow, straps situation I was in for 2 months). Note: the formal black dress is because we were at a black tie event in DC, not just how we roll, but it's a good picture of the plastic arm clamp.

I still may need surgery, but that decision will be made at the end of August....I WILL live to snowboard another day!!!
Meghan and I got together in June with some of Grandma Alma's girls (Linda, Barbara, Kelly and Nora) to celebrate cousin Maureen's big design project presentation at the Chicago Art Institute. Here are a few pictures from that fun weekend....
Nora's quote of the weekend: "I feel a celebration coming on!" We agree Nora :)
Eileen and I took an amazing vacation at the end of June to Napa Valley to do some awesome wine tasting, relaxing and hanging out with good friend Paul Asikainen (Paul? Paul the wine guy?!) and roadtripped our way down the coast to LA to visit my friends Matt and Misti and their new baby Mattison. I will post more pictures from that trip soon. Here are some of the best ones:
And we heart....
Okay, well, I guess this post had very little to do with Lisa...she's been at home in KC working at a theater camp, just doing her thing....She'll have to fill us in soon!

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