As you all know, the holiday season is upon us. As a strong supporter of Christmas Songs during thanksgiving week, I thought I would blog about all the things I love about Christmas, and finish off Oprah Style with my Christmas list :) Cause I'm the stereotypical greedy little sister. Just kidding...I really do love Christmas though.
And I'm stealing Eileen's stealing of Meghan's love of numbered lists. Its more organized this way.
Things Lalli Loves about Christmas1.) Christmas Eve on Sesame Street (Grospetto Hargloid!!)
-there are probably videos or eyewittness accounts of all four of us
dancing in the basement to Feliz Navidad (pretending to figureskate...)
2.) Christmas Music
-The ever growing Kranz Christmas Jams playlist on my Itunes
...its two volumes as of 11/20/09.
-Steve Courtney Christmas Music
3.)looking at Christmas Lights...and listening to dad grumble about christmas lights ("one goes out...they ALL go out!!)
4.) coming up with the most perfect present to get everyone
5.) Babysitting (cause there is nothing cuter than a Kid at Christmastime)
6.) Our prelit fake christmas tree.
-We all fought it, we all wanted to do fresh trees for the rest of our
lives, BUT watching Mom and Dad argue about how to put it together
is cute, and now we don't have to vacuum and water our tree!
-and its funny when Mom and I call Christmas Tree Tech Support
7.) Decorating aforementioned Christmas Tree
-there is SO much family history in all of our ornaments!
8.)Watching Love Actually and The Family Stone
9.)snow and hot cocoa
10.) sally lund and clam chowder!!!
Now for my Christmas List!
1.) and itrip
2.)TOMS shoes. Its a pair of simple canvas flats and for every pair they sell they give a pair to a child in need.
I really like the red classics.
3.)Running things...like new shorts and things
4.)New Backpack, the kind on your back
5.) DVDs, (the office, 500 days of summer, and GLEE!)
6.) money for new tap shoes!! I need two new pairs for Tap Ensemble
7.) snow and ski gear, Scarves, flowy sweaters, floppy knit hats, fuzzy warm things for cuddling at DEEP CREEK!
8.) Snowboarding lessons from Mr. and Mrs Graham.