Sunday, November 28, 2010

Give Thanks, with a greatful heart...

The past two weeks for me have been filled with fun, friends, family and Many blessings!
The Month of November was really my first month since Marathon life, eating like a bird, and other schedule swallowing things, that I have had free weekends to go out and spend time with my friends! I had my first glass of wine since April! Needless to say...I'm a bit of a light weight... :)My friends have been incredible through everything. It's so fun to get to go out with them now and relax...

Molly and I even decided to have a super improptu, spontaneous pot luck dinner, last weekend. In two hours we had the house ready with 8 people expected to attend our dinner. As we were preparing the meal we decided we should be wearing aprons (compliments of Molly's large collection). When the boys arrived they felt slighted and wanted aprons of their own. What troopers...they wore them all evening.

Last week my students did presentations over their expedition on their community of Edwardsville. When their original audience from another elementary school cancelled on us we rallied together and put together a new presentation. The presentations were put on for the mayor, superintendent, newspaper, and every grade level in the school. It was pretty amazing when they put their work all together. Great displays of their incredible learning. So proud!

Finally it was Thanksgiving break. Sad, that I would not be in Rhode Island I was still excited to be home for Thanksgiving.
Dad, Lisa, and I ran the Thanksgiving day race. Day was the fastest in his age usual! I had a personal Record. 5k in 26:17. I was pretty excited. My speed work has paid off. Now lets see if I can do the half next weekend in under 2 hours! :)

We had a wonderful meal, just the four of us, and then had friends over to play games! It was a lovely Thanksgiving....and yes...I enjoyed a small piece of pumpkin dessert!
The Thanksgiving weekend ended with an evening with friends, ice skating at crown center!
The holiday season has officially begun....and I AM EXCITED! God is so good and I could not be more thankful, or feel more blessed!